Course Updates


Windlesham Golf Club Pearl 30 Year Anniversary Double Shotgun! 8am & 1pm.

Have a feeling that our Members enjoyed the Celebrations last night... a few vehicles here still ðŸĨģ

Swift setup this morning as we need to be off the Course for 8am.

Greens cut with no VL,

A flick of the heavy Dew left around the edges,

A tap out of the holes... this is a daily task since the changes in rules on flags being allowed to remain in the cup when you hole out. The edges are collapsing with hands, putters and or putter grips being used to remove the ball from the cup.

With a lick of paint,

Bunkers raked,

Tee Setup & some seed and mix in yesterday's play,

Practice Ground Ball Collection once the Shotgun is setup for. Free Balls for our Members means these yellow things are smashed all over the place in high numbers 😛

The last 2 afternoons of pushing some Collars out means these area's look stressed.... but these areas should give some more options for shots and definitely make the Course more fun 😉


Friday - Status Definitely Green!

Green's Rolled,

Fresh Pin Position's,

Overdue spray of Plant Protection. You should always avoid spraying any products that you want to stay in the leaf after a Roll but when is anything ideal ðŸĪŠ

Approaches trimmed, with some extra areas sneaking out around greens. These areas will need some continued work, but if your not going forward, your going backwards and that's not us!

Tee's trimmed with Ride on over the tops, Hand Mower doing the VL to keep the weight off the edges. Par 3s Double mown as these ones always get a smidge more food to help recovery,

Fairway's cut, with longer ones only getting a double pass so the Duo on these mowers can continue sneaking the Approaches out on the last few area's later.

1st Cut of Semi getting its second top before another busy weekend,

Plus... remember, just because it's not on here, doesn't mean we aren't doing it ðŸĪŠ Loads more getting done to your Course.



Thursday - Course Status Green.

Greens trimmed with a VL,

Annoyingly.... Planned and Due Plant Protection Spray dropped with forecast of Drizzle.... This spray needs to be applied dry with no rainfall for a few hours after the last green sprayed or it's a waste of over ÂĢ700! Gulp... more worrying ontop of the waste of money is the potential of Disease creeping in... so we will sneak this spray in as soon as conditions allow.

Approaches nipped, with the addition of some lines to sneak them out soon amd make these lovely areas more fun! If we stay still, we go backwards, so we are always looking to push things onwards and upwards.

Ditches strimmed,

Daily Setup tasks completed, with Tee Plinth love âĪïļ,

Tree Management keeps going... Struggling looking trees checked and Marked for Attention,

arge Excavator in to prep Winter Works Materials.... so making use of the beast to tidy up the Stable area where we have some old equipment we pinch parts off.

Also moving some "Black Gold" and get nasty material to be made into the same stuff!

Another Member of the Team having his College Assessment...


Wednesday - Ladies Invitation Day

Greens trimmed without a VL,

Fresh Pin Position's,

Splash of paint so the ladies can see the hole for their 1 putt ðŸĪŠðŸ˜˜

A planned and on target spray of various forms of N, some P, K, Fe, Mg, Zn, Mn, PGR & Penetrant to keep the grass smiling 😃

Tee Banks topped,

Some strimming of areas that mowers can't get to..

2nd Cut of Semi & Grass Paths trimmed,

Daily Setup ticked off,

Spraying of the Block Paving this morning. Patio, Trolley Area & Walkways have been done bit by bit this week while keeping access available. Never a good day but needs must.

Some other things away from the Golf Course getting prepped, not all about the Grass... In-house Soil Screening for Winter Projects started now the material is dry. This material is cleaned by the Team to utilise material onsite to Build Tee's, Bunkers and incorporate into dry areas to hold moisture. 👏 Rubble broken down and crushed to use as Drainage material. How Sustainable is that! 😍

One of the Team having his College Assessment... ðŸĪž


Tuesday - Status Green.

Greens rolled,

Approaches cut, these areas are looking absolutely banging 😛

Fairway's messy mowed with a handful double Cut,

Tee tops cut with ride on & VL cut with hand mower to get them tight into the corners and less turning pressure around the outsides. The outside edges get double the traffic and weight over them.

1st cut of Semi & Carries topped,

Daily setup task's completed,

Car Park getting a blow with backpacks & PTO blower.

Some Training for 2 of the Team at College later, Ball Collection, Ragwort Pulling, soil preparation for Screening in a few weeks and all sorts.


Monday - Status Green... too Green!

Greens getting a trimm without a VL,

Bunker TLC draining a large chunk of the Labour available today... we actually spend more time on Bunkers than any other area on the Course.

Tee Setup,

Weed Spraying here there and everywhere!