Monday – Not a Cloud in the sky… 🌞😎

Greens trimmed with a VL,

Hot Spots Watered,

Approaches and new run offs nipped,

Bunkers getting a pull of unwanted grasses sneaking in areas,

Fairway’s getting a Ammonium Sulphate + 2,4-D Dimethylamine salt & Mecoprop-p Potassium Salt Mix to knock some weeds popping up in the drier weather. Weeds need bugger all water and thrive in dry conditions, they never dry out like grasses do!

Digger doing some wish list path improvements on 15th & 16th while its free and still on site.

Zelup Guns being sent back for their Annual Service. Original bog standard guns in use while these are away getting some love. I know i know, these guns are naff…. but these things need servicing just like everything else.

Daily setup tasks completed.